VoyeurJapanTV vjt_20980_8-def-1
The shopping center is full of busy browsers, and the pretty girls are too mesmerized by the wares to know they are being watched and appreciated. A young lady shops for home furnishings and her black lacy skirt doesn’t serve her well, or maybe it does, TOO well. Every time she picks something up from a low display her fine white panties are in full view, especially to our attentive camera.
Outside a pair of office girls sit waiting for their rides. As they scan their phones for the gossip of the day, we see straight up their short skirts to the round curves of their tight little rumps and the panties squeezed between their cheeks. Up above a young lady stands reading her phone at the edge of the balcony. her striped shirtdress billows in the breeze, for a perfect upskirt glimpse of soft feminine flesh and smooth white panties barely covering her warm moist crotch.
File Size: 429 Mb
Resolution: 1280×720
Duration: 00:10:35
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